DXCC QSL Gallery - KO4Y
Click on image to enlarge
1A0 - SMO Malta
3B7 - St. Brandon
3B8 - Mauritius
3C - Equatorial Guinea
3D2-C - Conway Reef
3D2-F - Fiji Islands
3DA - Swaziland
3V - Tunisia
3X - Guinea
4J - Azerbaijan
4L - Georgia
4O - Montenegro
4U-I - I.T.U. HQ
4U-U - U.N. HQ
4U-V - Vienna Intl Ctr
4X - Israel
5B - Cyprus
5H - Tanzania
5N - Nigeria
5R - Madagascar
5T - Mauritania
5U - Niger
5W - Samoa
5X - Uganda
5Z - Kenya
6W - Senegal
6Y - Jamaica
7P - Lesotho
7X - Algeria
8P - Barbados
8Q - Maldives
8R - Guyana
9A - Croatia
9G - Ghana
9H - Malta
9K - Kuwait
9L - Sierra Leone
9Q - D. R. Congo
9U - Burundi
9X - Rwanda
9Y - Trinidad
A2 - Botswana
A3 - Tonga
A4 - Oman
A6 - U. Arab Emirates
A7 - Qatar
A9 - Bahrain
BV - Taiwan
BY - China
C3 - Andorra
C5 - The Gambia
C6 - Bahamas
C9 - Mozambique
CE - Chile
CE0Y - Easter Island
CE0Z - Juan Fernandez
CE9 - Antarctica
CN - Morocco
CO - Cuba
CP - Bolivia
CT - Portugal
CT3 - Madeira Islands
CU - Azores
CX - Uruguay
D4 - Cape Verde
DL - Germany
E5-S - South Cook Is.
E7 - Bosnia
EA - Spain
EA6 - Balearic Islands
EA8 - Canary Islands
EA9 - Ceuta and Melilla
EI - Ireland
EK - Armenia
ER - Moldova
ES - Estonia
ET - Ethiopia
EU - Belarus
EX - Kyrgyzstan
EY - Tajikistan
F - France
FG - Guadeloupe
FH - Mayotte
FJ - St. Barthelemy
FM - Martinique
FO-A - Austral Islands
FO-C - Clipperton I.
FO-F - French Polynesia
FP - St. Pierre
FR-G - Glorioso I.
FR-R - Reunion Island
FS - St. Martin
FY - French Guiana
G - England
GD - Isle of Man
GI - Northern Ireland
GJ - Jersey Island
GM - Scotland
GU - Guernsey Island
GW - Wales
H4 - Solomon Islands
HA - Hungary
HB - Switzerland
HB0 - Liechtenstein
HC - Ecuador
HC8 - Galapagos Is.
HH - Haiti
HI - Dom. Rep.
HK - Columbia
HK0-S - San Andres I.
HL - South Korea
HP - Panama
HR - Honduras
HS - Thailand
HV - Vatican
HZ - Saudi Arabia
I - Italy
IS0 - Sardinia
IT9 - Sicily
J2 - Djibouti
J3 - Grenada
J5 - Guinea-Bissau
J6 - St. Lucia
J7 - Dominica
J8 - St. Vincent
JA - Japan
JT - Mongolia
JW - Svalbard Is.
JX - Jan Mayen
JY - Jordan
K - United States
KG4 - Guantanamo Bay
KH6 - Hawaii
KH8 - American Samoa
KL7 - Alaska
KP2 - Virgin Islands
KP4 - Puerto Rico
KP5 - Desecheo
LA - Norway
LU - Argentina
LX - Luxembourg
LY - Lithuania
LZ - Bulgaria
OA - Peru
OD - Lebanon
OE - Austria
OH - Finland
OH0 - Aland Island
OJ0 - Market Reef
OK - Czech Republic
OM - Slovak Republic
ON - Belgium
OX - Greenland
OY - Faroe Islands
OZ - Denmark
P2 - Papua New Guinea
P4 - Aruba
PA - Netherlands
PJ5 - Sint Maarten
PY - Brazil
PY0F - F. de Noronha
PZ - Suriname
S5 - Slovenia
SM - Sweden
SP - Poland
ST - Sudan
SU - Egypt
SV - Greece
SV5 - Dodecanese Is.
SV9 - Crete
T7 - San Marino
TA - Turkey
TF - Iceland
TG - Guatemala
TI - Costa Rica
TK - Corsica
TL - Cent. African Rep.
TR - Gabon
TT - Chad
TU - Cote d'Ivoire
TY - Benin
UA - Russia
UA0 - Asiatic Russia
UA2 - Kaliningrad
UN - Kazakhstan
UR - Ukraine
V2 - Antigua
V3 - Belize
V4 - St. Kitts and Nevis
V5 - Namibia
V7 - Marshall Is.
V8 - Brunei Darussalam
VE - Canada
VK - Australia
VK9W - Willis Island
VP2E - Anguilla
VP2M - Montserrat
VP2V - Br. Virgin Is.
VP5 - Turks and Caicos
VP6 - Pitcairn I.
VP8-F - Falkland Is.
VP9 - Bermuda
VQ9 - Diego Garcia
VR - Hong Kong
VU - India
XE - Mexico
XF4 - Revillagigedo Is.
XW - Laos
YI - Iraq
YL - Latvia
YN - Nicaragua
YO - Romania
YS - El Salvador
YU - Serbia
YV - Venezuela
YV0 - Aves Island
Z2 - Zimbabwe
Z3 - Macedonia
ZA - Albania
ZC4 - UK Bases Cyprus
ZD7 - St. Helena I.
ZD8 - Ascension I.
ZF - Cayman Is.
ZK3 - Tokelau
ZL - New Zealand
ZP - Paraguay
ZS - South Africa